My Sissy Neighbor -- Part 9: The Real Anita
Over the next several months, Anita became more than just a pretty and competent assistant to my mom in her real estate business. Anita was proving to be a valued partner to my mom. Together they increased mom's book of business by 100%! Anita was living and working full-time now as Anita, a very attractive, young professional woman. Here are some photos of Anita in full realtor-mode. Look how poised and confident and relaxed he looks. He was meant for this life and this career!
As for the matter of his real estate license, well obviously he aced the exam with no issue. But there was still the matter of his name. His realtor's license had to be in his legal name. So mom took Anita down to the court house and helped him with the paper work necessary to officially change his name from Andrew to Anita. While they were at the court house, Anita asked mom, "Is it OK if I change my last name too?" Mom replied that he could do that if he wanted to. "I want to have the last name 'Campbell'", Anita said. Mom was shocked. Campbell was our last name. "You are my real family," Anita explained to mom. "And besides, since I'm supposed to be your niece, wouldn't it make sense that we might have the same last name?" Mom was so happy and so proud, that she started crying in the court house. "I'm so happy," mom said. "And I don't think of you as my niece. I think of you as my second daughter." That made Anita cry when she said that.

Of course, by now I was away at college, so I missed mom and Anita a lot. But I was able to come home every few weeks. They were both always happy to see me. When I would come home, Anita and I would typically sleep together in my bedroom -- slumber party! I don't know if mom knew we were having sex, but I didn't care. I needed to spend every possible minute with my beautiful Anita.
Anita was also getting a lot of romantic attention when I was away. As I said, male -- and sometimes female -- clients were always hitting on him at work. Mom had a strict rule about not socializing with "active clients." But after a deal was done, mom said that Anita could socialize or date anybody he wanted. Well I know Anita went on a lot of first and second dates. But he had to avoid letting anything get to serious because...well it's obvious why.
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