Anita came over to our house around 5:00 to get ready as he usually does. He had agreed to meet the manager at a trendy bar downtown for a drink at 6:30 and then they would go down the block for dinner.

As Anita was trying to get out the door to get downtown on time, mom was nervously giving him all the advice a mom could give a daughter going out on her first date -- "don't drink too much," "do you have some emergency money?" "call me immediately if you need me," and on and on. It was very cute, but I think it was making Anita even more nervous. Eventually, mom let Anita go and he grabbed his purse and car keys and headed out for the evening.

"You poor, poor thing," mom cooed. "Sit down here, dear, and I will bring you some tea. Now tell us what happened to you."
Anita described his evening. "It started out fine. The cocktail before dinner was fun and the restaurant was nice. The manager was an OK date -- he talked a lot about himself which I guess all guys do. He was pretty funny. After a couple of drinks he got very, very flirty and...hands-y, but that wasn't so bad -- I get that at the club all the time. It was after dinner that things turned awful." Anita took a sip of his tea.
The manager, Anita explained, wanted them both to go back to his place. Anita had tried to get out of it. "I told him that it was late and that going back to his apartment wasn't a very good idea. And besides, I told him, I'm having my period."
"Good girl!" mom exclaimed.
"But that didn't slow him down at all," Anita said. "He claimed that he only wanted to go back to his place for one final drink and to talk a bit more. So I agreed. Stupidly." Tears started to well up in Anita's eyes. We waited silently for an eternity for Anita to go on. Finally he exclaimed, "He forced me to give him a blow job!"
1 comment:
I adore forced feminization. I can't think of anything more exciting. Thanks for this series!
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