Two years ago, I decided that I wanted my crossdressing husband to go full-time as a woman. This would require some surgery, some hormones and, of course, a lot a changes to his lifestyle. I know he didn't like the idea at first but he is too much of a sissy to resist anything I say.
And now I have my very own beautiful, obedient lesbian love slave. His new name is Colette.
My husband had admitted to me that he was a crossdresser from the very early in our relationship. I didn't mind. He was a gentle, sweet man and if he enjoyed occassionaly acting and dressing as a woman, I wasn't going to stop him. But over time I learned that he was more than a crossdresser. He was, deep inside, a sissy who desparately needed a strong, confident woman -- like me -- to control him. To own him.

Soon after we were married it became very clear that I was to be the decision maker in the family. I was delighted to be in control and never questioned. All he wanted to do was to please me and serve me. For me, it was wonderful having a sweet little sissy slavishly tending to my every need.
But after a while, endulging my husband's fantasies grew constraining. His dress-up games kept us locked up in side our home. I wanted more social activity, more excitement. The solution, I decided, was to turn my husband into a full-time girl.
So now, during the week, he is my full-time sissy housewife. Colette takes care of our home while I am at work. And in the evenings, we go out to restaurants and bars, the theater and shopping. We do everything together. It is so much fun for me.
And when we get home, the sex is amazing. I get so turned on watching my sweet sissy housewife underdress, revealing the sexy lingerie I like him to wear. It is so exciting as Colette crawls up between my thighs as he brings me to orgasm over and over with his soft full lips and his talented tounge.
But during the weekends, that's when things get really exciting...
I would love to have a wife like that
Lovely, I sound rather like him, but I hope my wife doesn't want to make my occassional cross dressing and acting like a woman a permanent thing.
Wish I was your sissy.
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