At first this was exciting for me too. I had always had a dominant streak and my husband's Sissy submission to me fulfilled certain needs I had as well. But eventually, I tired of the game. In my strict hands, my husband had progressed from a weak-willed, cross-dressing male to a beautiful, fully feminized submissive Sissy.
I needed to make some changes in my life. Most importantly, I needed to kick my Sissy husband out of the house so my new lover could move in with me full-time.

That was six months ago. I am now very happily living with my handsome lover and my Sissy ex is living with his new Husband and Master. My Sissy ex's entire life now revolves around pleasing his Husband and Master. He spends hours each day ensuring that his hair and make-up are perfect as his Husband requires. He toils around the clock to ensure that the house is spotless, clothes are washed and ironed, and that meals are on the table when his Husband returns home from work. And of course, my Sissy ex has to satisfy his Husband and Master's endless sexual needs as well.
From the photos I've seen, it looks like my ex is starting to embrace his new life as the Sissy wife to a real man. He certainly seems to enjoy being treated as a "lady" by his strong and dominant Husband. Look at how he smiles as his Husband and Master touches him with his rough, strong hands. Look at how he moans with pleasure when being kissed and having his Husband fondle his big boobs.
I guess it was always his destiny to be the submissive Sissy wife of a real man.

S/he makes such a good little obedient wifey. I'm sure s/he never "has a headache", dirty little slut!
I think most sissies fantasize about their wives giving them away to a real & dominant man. The thought of my wife giving me away at my wedding to a man makes me quiver in my panties. I would be shaking as I heard the words " Who gives this Sissy Bride to this Man" then my wife would say "I do" . She would witness my vows as I agree to Serve ,Obey & Respect my New Dominant Husband & Master. I would also agree when asked if I would be a " Good Sissy wife, Sex Slave & Housekeeper" to him. Having him raise my Vail when the preacher says " You may kiss your Sissy Bride" would seal my fate. The humiliation would be deep & permanent .I would hope that it was a man she knew she & her lover would come visit me in my new home as I live the life of June Cleaver. Yes....that is a dream of my wifes Sissy/Faggot Husband.
Sissy Hubby brings up a good point. It WOULD be more effective if the wife and her new spouse came to visit... and probably got to see the sissy being pawed by 'her' husband and then serving him.
My sissy hubby or hussy?" Will wear a padlock cock-cage too my special factions Plus Panties, pantyhose, painted toes!" under his jeans when he's goes out with the guys, Out with me open toe sandals, See thru top, to show of his sexy braseire you " sissy bitch panty waisted slut" !" Deana C.
Would you also make me suck on some cock while we were out then punish me when we got home for being a "cum guzzling whore", Deana?
Yes I would " You panty- ass-"Bitch"!!! Deana!....... My pantie wearing "Sissy:
i've been looking for a story like this for a long time!! i've also dreamed of being married off to a dominant man and doing everything for him and then see my wife with her lover kissing and making out even showing me that she is now pregnant something she wouldn't let me do to her.
this is my dream!!
What lucky sissy, find a husband. Would be worst work to her wife's lover, or more humiliting, who knows?
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I just got done checking out your site again, and it was fun. We sell on Amazon hot wife and sexy erotic cuckold stories in paperback, digital and audio, and the audios are very fun to listen to the girls read to you, cheaper than a book also! We have 3 websites, but you can just type in Vince Stead to see them pop up, it would be super cool if you could post a few small pictures of a couple of the sexy books, I think your followers would love them, especially the one called “Dominant Wives Society and Their Cuckold Husbands Volume 7 Thru 9”.
I hope this post is still often and would love to follow it.
As a feminzed sissy I loved this post and would love to follow other blogs you might post. I often daydream about being put in just such a situation and how wonderful it would be wear a wedding gown and be given away to just such a dreamy man. Deep down I realize that chances are this will never happen to me personally but I can't complain I have a wonderful wife that has been a great supporter of my feminization and who allows me to work at home keeping house and cleaning, and often times even includes me in entertaining her boyfriends. I suppose I am a luckier sissy then most.
Maggie, yes you are very lucky having such an understanding wife. Sounds like you all have a good loving relationship.
Ive, Married a Man. and I can say that's its the Best thing that's Ever happened to me.He took full Countrol of Me ,mylife ,my Body and Soul.hes let the Woman come out of me and I love it.(
I would absolutely LOVE it if my wife decided to marry me off to another man. The more dominant and degrading, the better!
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