Two years ago, my husband finally admitted to me that he was a crossdresser. Of course, I had figured that out years earlier -- but I just waited patiently for him to finally admit it to me. And during those years of waiting, I had been thinking long and hard about how I was going to deal with my husband's crossdressing.
So when he finally said something, I let loose with my well prepared list of demands. I started by telling him that, from now on, I would be wearing the pants in the family. My career was really taking off and his was going nowhere. I decided that I would like to have a sweet little housewife taking care of me and my home full-time. That would be his job from now on.

At first, he tried to protest but he was simply too much of a sissy to fight me. I started implementing our "lifestyle changes" right then and there. I made him hand over his license, credit cards and passport -- and watch as I ran them through the shredder. Within a week, I had him empty every closet and drawer of his old clothes and reminders of his old life, which I refilled with his new homemaker fashions. Within a month, we had moved to a new town to make it easier for us to restart our life as a high powered lady executive and her devoted, old fashioned housewife and partner.
That was two years ago and my husband is now been completely transformed, in body and mind, into the gentle, doting housewife I wanted. He has become completely proficient at doing all his housewifey chores, from cooking, to cleaning,to giving me footrubs, to preparing my martini when I get home in the evening. Here he is doing the laundry. He takes such pride in being the perfect housewife. Look at how happy he is knowing that he is pleasing me.
I have recently started dating one of the senior partners at my law firm. He will be coming over to my house tonight for a romantic dinner that my hubby-housewife will prepare and serve. If the date goes well, hopefully my sissy will be serving us breakfast in bed as well.