When I opened my most recent update letter from Mrs. Trainer, these two photos fell out of the envelope. I must have stared at them for five whole minutes before I could tear myself away from them to read her letter to me.
"Dear Mrs. ____,
I am very pleased to report that our progress with your son is proceeding very, very well. An entirely new personality is being revealed; One that is demure, gentle and obedient. I am sure you will be delighted when you see the finished product in just a few short months from now.
Now that our sissy students have been with us for 16 weeks, the intensity of the training and our expectations of our "ladies" increases quite dramatically. Days are longer, infractions are dealt with more severely and our behavior and personality manipulation (some might call it brainwashing) is taken to a new level.
We are very fortunate that our school is located just a few miles from a Royal Air Force base. Over time, we have developed a relationship with a select group of senior officers from the base that we can trust. Every Thursday night, we invite our officer friends over for a very swanky party with our darling sissies. The officers tell their wives that they are working late (seems to happen every Thursday!) and our sissies entertain these handsome gentlemen from early in the evening until well past midnight.
We dress our sissies up in their finest outfits to show the officers how much we appreciate their company. And it should be no surprise that your little Kimberly is one of the officers' favorites! The gentlemen arrive -- in full dress uniform, of course -- around 6:00pm. It's cocktails and flirting with the sissies. Then dinner at 8:00 followed by more cocktails, dancing and...well, whatever the officers want to do. We have plenty of space here at the school for the officers to take a sissy somewhere private for some one-on-one time. This goes on for a few more hours until our gentlemen guests are exhausted and need to head home to their families.
You may be curious as to why we incorporate some much interaction with men into our training program. Let me explain. First, when our sissies are in the presence of alpha males, like our wonderful RAF officers, they are shocked into realizing just how little they have in common with such real men. Being surrounded by strong, masculine, muscular men, our sissies feel small and delicate and weak. They recognize nothing of themselves in our handsome guests.
Second, it is understood by all that the sissies are to cooperate with and please our guests at all times. Our officers are accustomed to having their instruction followed and their needs met. It is wonderful practice for our sissies to understand that their role is only to please and to serve. At this point in their training, they are beginning to feel a sense of fulfillment, and even pride, in their submissiveness and servitude to these strong, dominant men.
I will write again with more photos as soon as I can.
Sincerely, Mrs. Trainer"
I put away Mrs. Trainer's letter and again marveled at the photos of my beautiful, elegant, ladylike son. I could just imagine how these older gentlemen would absolutely drool at the site of such a lovely young "girl." And while at first I was shocked by the thought of him being forced to endure...encounters...with men, I could see Mrs. Trainer's point that it was probably a very powerful indoctrination and re-education tool. I reminded myself of just how bad his behavior was before I sent him away and how I was in favor of whatever Mrs. Trainer felt she needed to do to fix his awful behavior and attitude.
I wonder how many cocks have been rammed down his sissy throat?
id love to possibly switch places with "her" in an instant. if only i could find myself in such a situation.
What wouldn't i give to be trained to serve such brave fit young men?
Me pregunto si se les permite tener relaciones con los oficiales para que aprendan ser verdaderas damas
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