It's the start of the college year. I would be a junior now except that I dropped out after the end of last year. But my boyfriend, Tank, is starting his junior year. I didn't think I would be able to take care of him properly and go to classes at the same time so I dropped out.
I have been working for days getting our off-campus apartment ready before Tank arrives later this afternoon. I bought new sheets and towels for him, new pots and pans for our kitchen, even some nice pictures to hang on the walls. And I scrubbed every inch of the place so it would be sparkling clean when Tank arrives. Of course I had to spend most of the money I earned waiting tables this summer, but it will all be worth it if Tank is happy with how our apartment looks -- and if he is happy with me. And I spent the rest of my money on some pretty new clothes and shoes. I don't have a single dollar left -- but that's OK because Tank has tons of money.
I finished all the apartment chores about an hour ago. That left me time to get cleaned up, do my make-up and put on one of my pretty new outfits before Tank is scheduled to arrive. Do you like how I look? I bought this dress over the summer and I think it is sweet and sexy at the same time. And I think Tank will go crazy when he sees my over-the-knee socks and platform sandals. What do you think? After being apart all summer, I really hope Tank likes what he sees when he arrives. I don't like to disappoint him. Maybe I have gotten ahead of myself. Let me fill you in on some things. First of all, Tank and I have been roommates since the beginning of last year. Tank is a superstar football player - that's where his nickname comes from. Oh, and one more thing. I'm not really a girl. I'm Tank's sissy.
It all started last September, at the beginning of my Sophomore year. I had a really great dorm room -- a double room with its own bathroom -- but I had no roommate. The Housing Office warned me that at some point I would be assigned a roommate and that my "single" was not a permanent thing. Well, about one week into the semester, I came back to my room after dinner and there was this enormous guy in my room -- 6' 8" at least. Everything about him was huge -- his shoulders, his neck, his biceps. With him was a little man in a suit who was talking a mile a minute. "Well, Tank," the man said to him, "Since your decision to come to State U was so sudden, this is the best room we have for you. Of course, we'd rather have you down in the Athletes' Village by the gym, but that's all full right now. But on behalf of the administration, the university is DELIGHTED to have you join us! I hope you can make do with this housing...situation until we can get you a more appropriate room." The little man seemed to be referring to me as part of the lousy rooming situation that Tank was going to have to tolerate.
"I'll make it work," Tank replied, his voice, a deep, rumbling baritone that sounded like distant thunder.
"That's swell, Tank! Just swell! Let me know if there is anything we can do for you," the little man said as he handed Tank his card -- and an envelope that I would later learn was stuffed with cash. "And good luck with the season. We hear that you just might break a lot of school records and even take us to a Bowl Game this year! And let me know if you need anything. We're here for whatever you need. Just ask." With that the little man excused himself.
The two of us were now alone in our room. Tank plopped down on his bed and looked over to me. I thought he was going to start a conversation, but instead just said, "Come over here."