When January was halfway over, I was beginning to realize just how happy Suzanne had been living out his fantasy of being a woman. I mean, just look at these photos. Suzanne looks so at peace, so fulfilled. And while I wanted to get my husband back, I also felt I had to duty to help Suzanne achieve his/her own destiny.
At the cafe where we were having lunch together, I was about to tell Suzanne that he could continue living as a woman with Paul, if that's what he really wanted. Instead, Suzanne surprised me with an offer of his own.
"Honey," he said, "You know that I have been enjoying my time with Paul over the past six weeks. And you know that I also love you so very much." I nodded in agreement, a few tears started to well up in my eyes.
"Well, Paul came up with an interesting idea. Why don't the three of us...get together. You know, as a "Throuple" as the kids say. He's a very nice man and I'm sure you find him attractive." I couldn't respond. I was stunned by what I was hearing.

I was speechless. But looking across the table at my beautiful Suzanne -- his hair and make-up just so perfect. His lovely smile and his pretty eyes. His feminine gestures and lilting, gentle voice. I felt an odd desire for him that I hadn't ever felt before. He was just so...ladylike and elegant. And then add in all the talk of having me get romantically involved with that handsome man. My pulse starting racing and my panties started to get damp.
"Please say you'll think about," Suzanne begged. "I think the three of us could have a wonderful life together."
Well, dear reader, that all happened five years ago. I did agree to Paul and Suzanne's offer. And our lives have become an exciting, magical journey. Over the course of those five years, so much has happened: Paul's divorce was finalized, I sold my house and we all moved in together in Paul's lovely home, Suzanne started hormones and has become more womanly and more beautiful each day. And while Suzanne and I are still legally married to each other, we even had a commitment ceremony where the three of us effectively "married" each other.
Suzanne is delighted to take care of almost all the chores around the house. She prepares lovely meals for us, does all the laundry and tidying. She fusses over Paul and me like some idealized housewife from the past.
And of course, there is the sex. I hadn't realized how much I missed being in the arms of a real man. And believe me, Paul is quite the stud. He is tall and strong and very muscular. And his cock is massive! My own husband couldn't ever give me that kind of experience -- even when he wasn't dressed up like a girl.
Most nights the three of us climb into our king size bed together. Suzanne and I usually wear matching nightgowns and we lay on either side of Paul. As we snuggle up against his naked body, he wraps his big arms around us and pulls us close, our heads laying on his strong chest. Love comes in all combinations -- sometimes all three of us at once, often any combination of the two of us. I never feel any jealousy; my needs are fully satisfied and I am delighted when Paul and Suzanne have their intimate moments together. (And sometimes I like to watch!)
Paul often travels for work. Sometimes, one or both of us will go with him. But most often we both stay behind, making that a special time for just the two of us. I don't look at Suzanne as my husband any more -- I look at him as my beautiful, feminine lover and best friend. And with that perspective, I delight in our lovemaking when it is just the two of us. I love Suzanne's soft and smooth skin, her skinny delicate frame, her tiny adorable dick, and her extremely talented tongue.
So that is my Christmastime sissy story. Maybe I should say it was my own Christmas miracle.
I hope all of your sissy dreams come true this Christmastime!