When Tommy returned home from school the next afternoon, the first words out of his mouth were, "Mommy, can I dress up in your pretty pajamas?"
I will admit that I was surprised by how anxious and excited Tommy appeared to be to repeat last night's experience.
I told Tommy I would let him wear my pretty pjs as soon as he was done with his homework. Well, Tommy tore into his homework with a vigor I had never seen before. After about an hour and a half, he announced that he was done. I took him up to my bedroom where we picked out a light blue floral print set for him to wear. I again sat him down at my vanity and fixed his hair and put a little make-up and perfume on him. "There," I announced when I was done. "Now you look and smell pretty." He beamed when I said that.
He moved from the vanity to my full-length mirror, where for stood for nearly ten minutes, as he turned and struck various poses, mesmerized by his own girlish reflection.

Our pajama fun continued every night. Each evening I would pick out a set of my pretty pajamas for Tommy and each evening he would race through his homework so that he change out of his boy clothes and into my ladies pajamas. Over the course of that first week, I let him wear a pretty white set with red flowers, a black set with pick flowers, and a very sweet powder blue set.
Of course I knew this was a bit unusual, but it seemed to make him so happy. And it also brought us much closer together. He was so engaged and affectionate when he was wearing my pretty pajamas. I soon realized I was enjoying Tommy's unusual fixation with looking and feeling feminine as much as he was.